
Showing posts from January, 2023


  @MichaelKennethWilliams😪 All those whom I promised, To pay them back in kind All those who tried helping me, To make it better in life Can be found nowhere but, Deep down in the ground And that shit really hurts!                .... Though that wasn't the plan, But life is life, man And in the process of changing the game, I took to the streets to make some pay But no job will hire, An unexperienced guy             .... It's whom you know, Not what you know Sadly, I went to syto, And the friends I made were from the ghetto Some came from the zongos- And none from rich homes                .... Therefore, I looked myself in the mirror and decided to move on I wouldn't let fate break me, So, I took to daylight robbery                .... Now this is where it has landed me, Mentally cuffed, physically in prison All my efforts have been in vain, I'm to die without making a name                 .... I have no regrets For my petty thefts But I am only ashamed, I couldn'


  @FJ studios   I'm a visual artist, Able to picture your moves A player with hat tricks, Eager to have you as my golden boots My examination malpractice, Is stealing glances at you And no one can catch me, Not even a whiff of my perfume I am not a praying mantis, but I yearn to have you as my food I am a politician with rough tactics, Aiming to orchestrate a coup I am like John the Baptist, Capable of washing you in my pool Although I am not a Catholic, I will always worship your ceramic statue BeYunus 🐳 JANUARY 2023.


I have been sent to many praying centres, Beaten and bruised because I can’t string a sentence And unable to excel- Amongst my friends Daddy can’t understand, Why I keep sinking academically like sand And mummy is still confused, Why I keep saying refuse instead of refuse Why I keep writing son as sun, And mistaking father as farther Therefore, they went in search of a red goat, And a black rabbit They killed animals for my sake, And added anointing oil to my plate All in the quest of making me, An unemployed graduate No one bothered at how I paddled my boat, Or whether I felt at home I am nothing but the black sheep, In a Black family There is no love here! STANZA 2 I have been criticised, beaten and chastised, Yet still, I confuse crisis with Christ There is a quiet loudness, Deafening me inside I have no one to turn to! And oh! When I think there is refuge, In my friends at school My world takes a sharp turn, Just because I can’t read or spell